Image includes logo for Power Through Choices, with an owl spreading its wings over the name, along with the title, Training-of-Facilitators

Power Through Choices

Training-of-Facilitators Available Online & In-Person

 Ready to implement the only proven effective curriculum designed for and with youth involved in systems of care?

P.S. You can now deliver this curriculum with youth virtually! While the curriculum was originally designed and evaluated for in-person facilitation, we’ve identified adaptations to enhance engagement and the learner’s experience on an online platform (thanks, COVID!). These adaptations maintain fidelity to the curriculum and its goals and learning objectives.

We’ll train your facilitators to implement the evidence-based program, Power Through Choices, with young people. We often have trainings open to the public, as well as give on-site trainings, in locations across the country (and online!).

Participants get a copy of the curriculum and the background and practice they need to be ready to implement the program with quality and fidelity. Ongoing technical assistance to make adaptations and support implementation is also available.

Do you have at least 12 health educators ready to implement Power Through Choices? Sounds like you’re ready to go!

Want to know more? We’re ready to schedule this training for you, online or in-person. Let’s talk! 


Contributing Staff