#HealthyTeen21 Is Almost Here!

Not just another virtual event…get the PD you want, succinctly but concretely, with clear action steps to put content in practice.

Logo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, "Healthy Teen Network"

August 26, 2021

#HealthyTeen21 is not about revisiting what people have done in the past; it is about taking a leap into the future of sex and revitalizing the field. We’re building on what we know works to innovate, as innovation helps us create solutions to meet the ever-changing lives of young people.

After reaching out to you all (a huge thanks to all who shared their thoughts with us!), and a lot of discussion, even though the world is starting to open back up, we are still concerned about the health and safety of our staff and attendees. So, we’ve decided to hold the conference virtually again this year, and we hope to see all of your faces in Miami in 2022!

And while this year has been challenging for so many of us, and we’re sad that we’re not able to gather in-person for conference again this year, we’re excited to learn and grow together online.

We know this is a space you value to build capacity, stay in touch with what is going on, and to engage in creative ways to advance our field, as well an opportunity to connect with colleagues and friends.

Take a look at the agenda to find out more about what to expect at #HealthyTeen21.

Get your laptops charged, notebook handy, and your caffeine ready! Our staff has been hard at work designing a virtual experience that includes the learning, sharing, and connecting you expect from a Healthy Teen Network conference. Like many of you, we’re also feeling a bit zoomed out, so we’re taking our time to ensure #HealthyTeen21 is not more of the same thing we’ve all been doing since March 2020.

We’ll be kicking off our 2-day virtual conference with the session, Challenging and Expanding Your Understanding and Practice of Inclusivity. Join us to help push our field further by challenging and expanding our understanding and practice of inclusivity.

During this first session, Dr. Tanya Bass, Stuart Getty, and Vanessa Geffrard will encourage you to widen the lens you use to approach your work, broaden the language you use each day, and grow your skillset to best meet the needs of all clients, students, and patients.

Every young person has the right to live their authentic sexuality. It’s crucial that we look at the big picture and approach our work with an eye toward social justice. This is how we can create a more just and equitable world.

This year’s conference will include a combination of traditional video conference sessions, a special podcast session featuring GenZers that are taking the sex ed world by storm, and a session focused on professional development.

As we move our conference to a virtual platform again this year, we’ve added new ways to engage with content—the biggest change to the conference being the switch to a two-day event instead of our previous three-day structure to help prevent digital fatigue.

This year’s conference will include a combination of traditional video conference sessions, a special podcast session featuring GenZers that are taking the sex ed world by storm, and a session focused on professional development.

In the podcast, Where Sex, Health, and Education are Headed (According to the Gen Zers Shaping the Future), we’ll hear from Felicia Gidsoni of Sex and Self, Kenzie Butera of maro, and Liesel Vaidaya of Leda Health, as they discuss their paths to becoming entrepreneurs and where they see the future of our field heading.

We’re looking forward to branching out from traditional professional development with the session, Empowered Professional Career Roadmap, with Andrea Holyfield, MS, MBTI, CBC, a transformative career management and transition coach with more than a decade of coaching, consulting and training experience. Participants will learn a five-step process to pivot internally and externally; the secret to transitioning without starting over; and how to create a productive personal change strategy.

Other #HealthyTeen21 sessions include:

  • How Not to Be a White Savior in Sex Ed;
  • Combatting Anti-Fat Bias in Sex Education;
  • Think!: Sparking Sexual Health Innovation with Human-Centered Design;
  • Why #SexEdForAll?;
  • and more!

Want to get all the details about this year’s schedule and conference sessions? Check out the schedule for session descriptions and find out who is going to be speaking at #HealthyTeen21!

Are you interested in sponsoring the conference? Or do you have an event or resource to promote?

#HealthyTeen21 sponsors get maximum exposure to conference attendees. With sponsorship support, our participants get the capacity-building sessions and networking opportunities they need to provide honest, affirming care and education.

With a virtual conference, the place to be is the online conference hub. Maximize your presence at conference with an ad that will be feature prominently where attendees will be continually visiting to get all the details about each session.

Conference sponsorships and online ads are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Reserve your space today!

Don’t delay! Take advantage of early bird rates today!

We appreciate all your continued work in this field and taking the time to attend a virtual conference with us. Whether you’ll be joining us from an office, your bedroom, the kitchen table, or your closet, we hope you’ll be are able to find some quiet space to listen, learn, and engage with each other.

Want to get more plugged in with conference happenings? You can participate online, in the newsfeed during the conference, with each other, and on social media. Make sure to use the #HealthyTeen21 hashtag to participate on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

We look forward to seeing you online in October!

At Healthy Teen Network, we believe that every young person has a right to live their authentic sexuality. And we see you, the professionals and caring adults, helping them do this. We know you do your best when you're connected to great opportunities and resources. That's why we're here...to help make those connections and support you. Read more about us.